Nubia Z11 拍照教学—照片模式Auto Mode


n  照片模式Auto Mode

nubia手机的照片模式是全自动的拍摄模式The Auto mode for Nubia Phone is a Full Auto shooting mode

在逆光或复杂光线的环境下In back-lighting or complicated lighting conditions

可以通过测光与对焦分离来获取准确曝光It allows you to get accurate exposure through separating metering and focus

首先我们先选取对焦点Firstly we select a focus point

然后拖动测光圈与对焦框分离来进行独立测光then drag the metering frame and focus frame to perform separate metering

并通过上下滑动测光圈来调节画面的明暗度and adjust the image brightness through swiping up/down the metering frame

这样可以让你拍出更专业的影像作品In this way, you can shoot more professional photography works.

此外还有9种滤镜模式可供选择Besides, there are 9 kinds of filters for you to select

让你轻松创作出独特的视觉效果and easily create unique visual effects.

